Should I have a Breast Reduction in my late teens/early 20's?
Many women have been considering a breast reduction since they first started developing during puberty. This means that by the time you hit your twenties, it may have been in the back of your mind for five or ten years already. Whilst many of the symptoms can arise throughout puberty, where possible it is always better to wait until breasts are fully developed.
In extreme circumstances it may be considered at an earlier age, however this is very rare and at the very least should be deferred until early adult life. As with all elective surgical procedures, women considering a breast reduction must take considerable time and effort to understand the procedure; the limitations and risks associated with the procedure; and have realistic goals and expectations of the results. It is very dependent on the stage of life you are in, and how the post operative outcomes will change your life.
Here are some factors you may want to take into consideration:
As a young woman who is possibly just out of high school, studying at University or only a few years into the workforce, a breast reduction is a large financial commitment.
As a guide (for someone who has private health coverage and opts for overnight stay in hospital.)
- Surgeon costs: $10,000 depending on your healthcare coverage and Medicare rebate. (You could be looking at $8,650 out of pocket.)
- Anaesthetist costs: $2,250 (around $1,950 out of pocket.)
- Hospital costs: $450 excess
- Total: $11,050
Because your breast reduction is likely to be for medical reasons, you are likely to be able to claim a portion of the costs indicated above. As well as this, you'll need to take a few weeks off work for recovery which could have financial implications.
Self Esteem
You may not be able to obtain the exact size and shape of breasts that you desire, as this is dependent on your size, breast composition and your goals. It's important to move forward with the procedure knowing that the surgery may help you improve your self esteem but may not fully eradicate all of your concerns. On this point, it may be beneficial to consider your choice more deeply once you are confident a breast reduction will help you reach this goal.
Breast Feeding
In general breast reduction is not recommended for women who intend to breast-feed in the future and where possible, it is optimal to delay a breast lift until you have completed your family. This is intended to protect patients from the risk of further ptosis occurring and having to consider the prospect of repeat surgery. The concern is breast reduction may reduce milk production due to potential damage to the milk ducts. In some cases women find their symptoms so significant they feel they still have to proceed
Fully developed Breasts
If the procedure is performed before the breasts are fully grown, there is a chance that the breasts continue to grow once the procedure is complete.
In essence, the decision is completely dependent on individual circumstances, your stage of life and your plans for the future.
To find out if you're a candidate for Breast Reduction Surgery, go ahead and complete our survey.
If you have already completed the survey and have questions for Dr Burt, book your consultation here.
Tags:Breast FeedingBreast ConfidenceTeenagersBreast ReductionSelf ImageSURGEONBreast SurgeryLarge Breast SymptomsPlastic SurgeonPlastic SurgerySurgery |