Did you know there are different scar patterns with different types of breast reduction procedures?
There are 2 common scar patterns produced by different types of breast reduction procedure.
Vertical or "lollipop" type procedures have a circular scar around the nipple and areolar complex and a vertical scar from the nipple scar vertically down towards the breast fold. These type of procedures are ideally suited to small to moderate breast reduction procedures and are more often chosen by younger women who may not have had the opportunity to meet their long term partner and may have greater concerns about other people's reactions to scars on their breasts.
Traditional or "anchor" type procedures also have a circular scar around the nipple and areolar complex and a vertical scar from the nipple scar towards the breast fold. The difference with "anchor" pattern procedures is that in addition to the above scars there is also a long scar in the breast fold. These procedures are most often chosen by women requiring large breast reductions and women with less concerns about the extent of scarring.
Clearly this is one of the major discussion points at any consultation about breast reduction. Ultimately each procedure is individually planned and you choose the type of procedure and the scar pattern which you prefer. My job is to explain to you the pro's and con's of each procedure so you are in the position to make an informed decision about your own body and health care needs.
For further information about breast reduction, plastic surgery or to make an appointment contact Dr James Burt - Plastic Surgeon at The Breast Reduction Clinic in Malvern, Melbourne.
Tags:Breast ConfidenceBreast ReductionSelf ImageSURGEONBreast SurgeryPlastic SurgeonPlastic SurgerySurgery |