Another year gone by?
At this time of year I always see multiple women to discuss breast reduction surgery.
When I enquire as to what compelled them to come so late in the year their response is "I just couldn't let another year go by without doing something about this". Often followed by a comment like "I knew if we got to Christmas and I hadn't made an appointment to see you another year would go by before I did anything about this".
Just last week I was talking to a patient and after we had had a long discussion about all the many issues surrounding breast reduction surgery I suggested that she would need to take a few months to think about everything before she made a decision.
The lady looked at me quizzically and said "I will go away and think about things but I first asked my mother for a breast reduction when I was thirteen years old!".
This lady is now in her mid forties.
When I asked why she had waited thirty years to come forward and seek information her answer reflected on a mixture of embarrassment, concerns about what others may think of her for having breast reduction surgery (often this is concern about attitudes of parents, siblings or close friends) and misunderstandings of what is actually done during a breast reduction procedure. (This lady wrongly thought your nipples are removed and replaced during a breast reduction procedure).
The Breast Reduction Clinic website has been constructed specifically to try and overcome some of these issues. We are diligently trying to make good quality information about all the issues relating to breast reduction procedures available in an easily accessible, private format.
Don't let another year go by without accessing the information you need.
To get further information on Breast Reduction or to make an appointment with Dr Burt contact our rooms in Malvern, Melbourne.
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